As advertising agents ourselves, we would know that certain companies would do anything to sell their advertisments. They would use creative, and persuasive ways to lure customers and clients into buying their product/s. As we were reading some articles, we came across advertisments of this Coca Cola product.
The first Coca Cola ad stated that their new Coke Zero has absolutely no sugar and tastes exactly the same as the original coke, but with better benefits. In the second picture you will see the nutrition facts: It says that there is absolutely no fat and calories.
1. Who is the source for the information or the ad? Are they reliable?
a. The source for this ad is obviously the Coca Cola Company themselves. It may not be reliable because, they didn't show any tests they did to their product to the public. It is true they provided us with nutrition facts like the one above but are all this information stated true? Also, based on their website There is apparently 0.5 calories per 150 ml, and 1 calorie per 250 ml, but doesn't the ad say no sugar, obviously means no calories? Lets find out.
2. Are all the information correct? What are they? Explain.
a. The two pictures say that they don’t have sugar, this is true, but instead of sugar they use something far worse, artificial sweeteners like Aspartame listed in the ingredients on the second picture. When you see the word artificial, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Bad for your health? Well it’s true; Artificial Sweeteners actually let you crave for more sugar. Artificial Sweeteners have sodium and fat in them to make them taste like real sugar.
3. Are there vague words? What are they? Explain.
a. In the two pictures the vague words are “no sugar” and “Total fat 0g”. “No sugar” was previously explained. Let us analyze “Total Fat 0g”, people who are obese would actually try this drink because they think they don’t get fat while drinking and they still taste the most wonderful taste in the world which is the Coca Cola flavor. They are wrong, artificial sweeteners again are the main cause of this. The truth is they may save you calories but studies show that they end up increasing your appetite. For example if you drink coke zero with your dinner you might crave for more food and end up having more fat and calories in you.
4. What kind of Statistical Deception this ad used?
a. They played with words the fact that they said zero sugar in the ad and they also distorted the nutrition facts saying it has no calories, which in fact the websites states there is. They are both contradicting each other.
5. Conclusion
a. We therefore conclude that this ad supported with the facts and proofs listed above are proven to be misleading.